Прес релізи


Results of the activity of “Pobuzhsky Ferronickel Plant” LLC for 1H 2019

The total volume of processed ore at PFP LLC in the first half of 2019 amounted to 573,751 tonnes (84.5% compared to 1H 2018), which corresponds to 32,280 tonnes of ferronickel from ore raw materials (91.5% vs 1H 2018) or 6.1 thousand tonnes of nickel (81.3% vs. 1H 2018). The main reason for the decrease […]



Declining levels of personnel training in Ukraine, labor migration, and occupational imbalances pose numerous challenges for Ukrainian businesses. Solving emerging problems requires significant financial, organizational and reputational efforts by companies, as well as a search for new forms of cooperation between business and government. The process of labor migration away from Ukraine has significantly complicated the […]



The largest sources of revenue to the state budget of Ukraine are the agro-industrial complex and metallurgy. These sectors simultaneously combine and share approaches towards the use of land resources. If in the agro-industrial complex land serves as a source of long-term income with the appropriate attitude towards it, in metallurgy, until recently, land was considered […]


Operating Results of PFP LLC for 2018

The Pobuzhsky Ferro-Nickel Plant has provided a performance report for 2018. The total amount of processed ore in 2018 amounted to 1.431 million tonnes (111.8% vs. 2017 results), which corresponds to 77.0 thousand tonnes of ferronickel from ore (106.2% vs. the previous year) or 15.8 thousand tonnes of nickel (103.4% vs. previous year). In 2018, the […]

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LLC Pobuzhsky Ferronickel Plant reports on the results for 9 months of 2018

The total amount of processed ore at PFP LLC for the first 9M 2018 amounted to 1,081.5 thousand tonnes (114.3% vs. 9M 2017), which corresponds to 57.3 thousand tonnes of ferronickel from ore raw materials (106.3% vs. 9M 2017) or 11.9 thousand tonnes of nickel (81.9% vs. 9M 2017). The expected volume of processed ore for […]