Description of the organizational structure of management and its functional areas
1.1. Operational planning and regulation of commercial nickel production.
1.2. Development of the production management system, formation of proposals for optimization of the production structure.
1.3. Preparation of raw materials and production of ferronickel in accordance with current GOSTs, specifications (TU) and other regulatory documents, shipment of finished products to the warehouse for finished products.
1.4. Analysis of the workload and production capacities
2.1. Development of engineering policy and programs in the field of technical development, defining the means of technical development and introduction of new equipment.
2.2. Provides the enterprise with energy resources, equipment maintenance, repairing of the equipment.
2.3. Implementation of environmental programs to reduce the impact of harmful factors on the environment.
2.4. Conduct the technology control process and perform product quality control.
2.5. Perform activities for labour safety and fire safety, prepare the enterprise’s units for emergency response.
2.6. Production engineering documentation.
2.7. Development, implementation and maintenance of the automated process control system (ACMS).
2.8. Maintenance of personal computers, printers, network equipment, peripherals and reproduction equipment in the structural units of the enterprise.
2.9. Ensuring the functioning of corporate mobile communications.
3.1. Provides the enterprise with logistical and technical resources; maintenance of storage facilities.
3.2. Product assortment planning, conducting shipment of products from the enterprise, control of fulfillment of orders.
3.3. Declaration of export cargoes.
3.4. Control of inter-factory transport by rail and motor transport. Corporate mobile communications.
4.1. Performs the financial activity of the enterprise.
4.2. Determines the enterprise’s financial and economic indicators.
4.3. Financial planning and control of financial liabilities, planning and control of cash inflows, management of accounts receivable.
4.4. Formation of the budget and budget fulfillment control.
4.5. Planning and feasibility analysis within the enterprise’s Departments, control of production costs.
4.6. Budgeting of estimates for all types of work.
4.7. Preparation of statistical, financial and accounting reports in accordance with international standards.
4.8. Accounting and tax accounting, development of the company’s accounting policy.
4.9. Formation and development of a system to monitor key business performance indicators.
5.1. Development of personnel policy and the enterprise’s personnel strategy.
5.2. Organizational development of the enterprise. Development, monitoring and improvement of basic provisions regarding personnel and office management.
5.3. Formation of a system for evaluation of jobs and activities, forms and systems of remuneration, motivation of the personnel of the enterprise.
5.4. Plan and control personnel costs.
5.5. Interaction with trade unions, mass media, public authorities, public organizations on personnel management.
5.6. Keeping records and preparing statistical reports on personnel.
5.7. Formation of a positive public image of the company.
Interaction with media, conducting PR campaigns and promotional activities. Preparation of internal printed products.
6.1. Development and monitoring of the enterprise’s economic security.
6.2. Provide control over the enterprise’s property.